Monday 21 November 2016


CORD leader Raila Odinga has revisited the controversial Sh33 billion Itare Dam saying that the government should stop the multi-million project because it will cause
environmental disaster to people in eight counties.
Raila said that the construction of water project in the Mau forest is likely to render several counties downstream, dry as it will divert water from Mau forest, causing rivers to dry up.
“The Italy-funded project is aimed at providing Nakuru town, Naivasha and Njoro and will divert water at the expense of counties such as Narok, Bomet, Kericho, Kisii, Nyamira, Migori, Kisumu and Homa bay, which depend on these rivers,” who spoke in Narok county.
He added that the government was in hurry to construct the dam without bothering to consulting with the people living in areas where these 12 rivers emanates.
“There is nobody who will oppose such a project but we need to be careful to avoid ecological disaster with the intended plan,” said Raila.
 The former premier expressed fears that the future of tourism in Maasai Mara may be affected because Mara River depends on these rivers.
Raila also noted that the Mau forest issues was used by opponents to deny him the Kalenjin votes in the Rift-Valley region in the last general elections but vowed to continue with its conservation.
Meanwhile, a leader from Kericho County has told politicians to stop making politics out of the construction of a multi-billion project.
 Charles Langat popular known as Chaglano said that there is need for the leaders to talk and iron out the contested issues instead of engaging in unending squabbles.
 “We need to sit down as leaders with the government and the locals so that we can come up with the lasting solutions rather fighting in which at the end of the day, the people may not get water,” said Langat who has shown interest in contesting for Buret parliamentary seat.
He expressed fears that if the ‘supremacy’ battle continues among the leaders, the Italy-funded project might be stopped and taken to elsewhere.
“The locals have been experiencing water shortage  and I believe the project will assist people of Bomet, Kericho as well as Nakuru counties by easing their problems  but we need to come together to ensure the success of the project,” said the aspirant, who is the front runner for the seat.

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