Tuesday 29 November 2016

Government to curb cyber crimes

By Cheruiyot Korir.
Over Ksh 2.9 trillion was transacted through mobile money transfer in Kenya last year representing 18.7 % growth compared to the previous year Cabinet Secretary for Information, Communication (ICT) and Technology Joe Mucheru has said.

Mr Mucheru said the ICT sector growth stood at 7.3 % last year with 23.9 internet users during the period representing 54 % penetration in the country.

Mr Mucheru who spoke at a Nairobi hotel today when he officially launched the Serianu 2016 Cyber Security said Kenya was strategically positioned to take full advantage of the of the opportunities  offered by internet connectivity to deliver services and business transactions.

The government, he noted, was committed to developing comprehensive and offensive cyber-capabilities to protect citizens in the cyber space against threats and attacks. He said this can be achieved through hardening of ICT infrastructure and services, enhancing ICT security competencies and increasing international collaboration.

The Cabinet Secretary said the government would create an environment of trust in Kenya’s cyber security through multiagency approach in the management of national cyber security and child on-line protection.

‘As government some of the satisfying measures we have so far put in place include developing the Computer and Cyber crime Bill 2016’ said Mr Mucheru.

The Bill, he pointed out, will provide a legislative framework that will seal loopholes used by cyber fraudster to perpetrate offences in the country.

He added that, the actualization of the Bill will also witness arrests and prosecution of offenders and nation-wide sensitization programe on cyber security among law enforcers, prosecutors and judicial officers to enable them deal with cyber security effectively.

Serianu Chief Executive Officer William Makatiani said only 3% of cybercrimes are successfully prosecuted and that 65 % of cyber-attacks are not reported.

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