Sunday 27 November 2016


By Shadrack Mwakolo.

Since Hassan Joho took over as the governor of Mombasa in 2013 general elections he has neglected some communities and misused the counties resources. He is currently refurbishing a county's building at a cost of 400 million shillings instead of assisting local students in their studies. 

Addressing a gathering of Mukaa Mkamba Forum group under the umbrella of Jubilee party at Changamwe in Mombasa County, business man Suleiman Shahbal accused the governor for engaging in projects which have very little value to the residents of Mombasa. He gave an example of a boat which was constructed at a cost of 20 million shillings other than buying 40 of them at half a million shillings each so that more youths can benefit but they are doing that for their own selfish ends and propaganda.

He went on and said that the recent trip by a top American musician Chris Brown in Mombasa was funded by the county government at a cost of 90 million shillings and yet the county is filthy and that is why the musician was flown from Mombasa airport to Nyali golf course so that he doesn't see the hips of garbage within the County.

He assured the group that he will nominate women in various positions, give them job opportunities and provide them with contracts within the county government once he is elected as the governor in the 2017 general elections.

Talking to press at the same venue the chair lady of the group, Ruth Mulei said women are the majority when it comes to voting and yet they are sidelined when it comes to job opportunities and other positions in the national and county governments and yet they are also learned like their male counter parts.

She pleaded with the national government to consider revising some of the rules so that they can benefit more on loans because currently the amount being issued is very little to make an impact on their livelihood.  

She added that they appreciate the 30 percent of gender rule in tendering and procurement in the national government, but the issue of documentation should be simplified because majority of women end up missing those opportunities.

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