Wednesday 16 November 2016


Clouds of shock heat Saint Peter Sangalo mixed secondary school when the principle and the supervisors were nabbed for exam leakage.
The team was arrested yesterday and appeared before Bungoma Law Court two on charges of exam leakage to student before official time stipulated by the Kenya national examination board.
The seven namely Kenedy Keberenge.Roseline wekonya,Geofrey musembe.Mary Wepukulu,Isaac Toywa David Wekesa  then the principle Harman Nasafu.
They appeared before SPM S.O Omugute who released them on cash bail of sixty or surerity worth one hu8ndred thousand shillings.
The prosecution was led by state council Faith Koech who didn’t object the cash bail or bond of worth one hundred thousand shillings as a surety.
The accused persons were defended by Emanuel Situma and co Advocates, James Namatasi and co. advocates. They said the persons affected were civil servants.
The matters coming up for mention before court one on 29.11.2016 and hearing fixed for  11.01,2017

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