Wednesday 16 November 2016


Narok Govenor Samuel Ole Tunai has called Kenyans to be carefully while electing leaders saying some of leaders in Kenya has no any development Agenda in their manifesto but their agenda is to spread hatred among the tribes in Kenya.
Speaking in Sogoo rally tunai accuse Cord leaders saying in cord some community are not recognized and call Kenyans to support jubilee saying jubilee is the party recognize all tribes. Tunai said come 2017 there only  two horses that for Jubilee which is led by President Kenyatta and for Cord which is led by Raila Amollo Odinga and others who are eying  president sit are just wasting their time and Jubilee aim is to win with more than 70% instead of 51%.He  said Raila has been in various ruling government and nothing  he can show he has done as a leader and his only work is to criticize Jubilee government.
He call Kenyans to to leave together in peace especially this time country is heading to  General Election Come Next year.
He also accuse other leaders from Narok County who are eyeing his seat saying they are doing their campaign of tribalism and said he has confidence he will win come 2017.
Among who have already shown interest in gubetorial seat  is Narok west Mp Patrick Ntutu and Daniel Kiptunen of seasons hotel

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