Tuesday 29 November 2016

Internal party democracy will give the country good leadership, says President Kenyatta

Internal party democracy will give Kenya good leaders, President Uhuru Kenyatta has said.
The President noted in the past the country for a long time has had challenges in picking good leaders because of interference by party leaders but assured that each aspirant will be accorded equal chance in the Party.
“We want to assure that Jubilee will conduct fair nominations and all aspirants will be given equal chance. Our internal party democracy will ensure voters are given space to choose the candidates they want,” said President Kenyatta.
He added: “The Deputy President and I have no preferred candidates. It is upon the electorate to decide whom they want. People should not go around claiming that they are our favourites. To us, all Jubilee aspirants are equal.”
President Kenyatta was addressing a mammoth gathering after he launched the tarmacking of the Kutus – Kianyaga – Kiamutugu – Githure – Kibugu road at Kianyaga in Kirinyaga county. The road will be tarmacked at a cost of over Ksh 1.3 billion.
The Head of State said the Jubilee party wanted the Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission to conduct its nomination to ensure free, fair and transparency in the exercise.
This, the President said, would give the electorate an opportunity to elect their leaders without any interference.
“When we say we are together, we mean that residents are given the opportunity to elect their leaders without any manipulation,” said President Kenyatta.
“It is you who will decide what kind of people you want to take up leadership positions,” the President emphasized.
The President pointed out that upon completion, the road will accelerate economic growth and boost the lives of the people of Kirinyaga County, especially farmers.
He pointed out that the Government has earmarked to tarmack 173 kilometres of road within Kirinyaga to open up the county for faster development.
“We don’t want our farmers to continue making losses because of bad roads,” the President said, adding that soon the Kirima-Karatina road would also be tarmacked to ensure easy connectivity between Embu and Nyeri counties.
President Kenyatta said electricity, road infrastructure and good healthcare are the basic ingredients for development and that is what his Government is striving to achieve.
“If Kenyans have electricity, good roads and better healthcare then they will be able to handle other issues,” said the President.
President Kenyatta also noted that the Government has continued to expand the free education programme to carter for exam fees and at the same time added more money for the free maternity programme.
“This year none of the parents with children in public schools were charged exam fees. We have also continued with our free maternity programme and allocated more funds to it. After women give birth they are given NHIF cards which allow them access free medical healthcare,” the President said.
The President also said the Jubilee Government works as a team and is action oriented unlike the opposition which is a grouping of parties without a vision for the country.
He castigated opposition Chief Raila Odinga whom he said is fond of criticizing any project undertaken by the Government without considering its merits and benefits to Kenyans.
“Even if people are to criticise because they are in the opposition, the criticism must be constructive if it is meant to improve the country. Unfortunately, our opponents only criticise for the sake of it and do not add any value,” he said.
Deputy President William Ruto – who accompanied the President – said as an action oriented Government, the Jubilee administration has fulfilled most of its pledges it made to Kenyans.
He said unlike the opposition, Jubilee is focused and has well thought plans for the development of the country.
Present were leaders from Kirinyaga County led by Joseph Ndathi, Senator Daniel Karaba and Narc-Kenya leader Martha Karua among others.

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