Monday 28 November 2016

Agriculture CS to open LARASE Conference in Busia tomorrow

By Olita Reuben.
Agriculture Cabinet Secretary  Willy Bet will open the Lake Region Agribusiness Summit and Expo (LARASE) at the Busia Agricultural Training  Centre tomorrow (Tuesday).
Busia County Executive Committee Member for Agriculture and  Animal Resources  Moses Osia  said Busia Governor Sospeter Ojaamong will lead a host of other Governors at the two-day conference.
Vihiga Governor Moses Akaranga who  is chairman, Western Kenya Governor's Caucus  will  give his brief address on the opening day.
Executive  Secretary, Lake Victoria  Basin Commission, Dr Ally  Matano will make a presentation  on unlocking  the Agribusiness  Investment Opportunities  in the Lake Region.
Other presentations will be " presentation  of the National  Agriculture Policy  with a focus in rural income  stimulation  through  investments  in Agribusiness, potential  for cotton and textile industries in the Lake Basin."
 Osia  said farmers from 15 counties bordering Lake Victoria will  come to  exhibit  and showcase  different successful investments  in Agriculture.
" We  expect 40 exhibitors among them  G.North and Suns, Agricultural Finance Corporation A and Agriculture Food Authority, Busia Agro Dealers , USAID/KAVES, Palweco and  Agriculture and Industrialization Ministries, " he said.
The event was to start on Monday with  field visits by farmers but the program was rescheduled until after the Conference on Wednesday.
Busia Governor Sospeter Ojaamong and Deputy Governor Kizito Wangalwa who met the farmers outside the  County Government  offices assured them that the event will go on as planned.

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