Wednesday 23 November 2016


By Jeff  Kirui.
HUNDREDS of Christians, church leaders and political leaders on Tuesday held prayers on the accident prone roads in Kericho County.
The group held procession in Bomet –Kericho highway, Ngoina-Kisii road and conducted prayer sessions in the notorious black spots Chemosit Bridge, Chemosot and Ngoina trading centres.
The four -hour prayer session, attended by more than a hundred people as well as well-known local leaders led by Chaglano Foundation chairman Charles Langat.
Also, as a show of unity, employees of Litein and Chelal tea factories joined the special prayers.
Led by Rev Patrick Cheruiyot of Joyland Bible Church, Roret Worshipping Centre, they said road accidents had led to loss of lives and also resulting to thousands of Kenyans becoming bedridden in hospitals.
The clergy said prayers and careful driving are important for drivers and other road users to reduce the number of accidents.
“We decided to convene a prayer meeting in an attempt to cut the number of accidents and deaths being witnessed on these roads,” he said.
On his part, Langat said the roads are disaster and have turned into death traps which need God’s cleansing.
 “We are praying for the Almighty God to shower this region with blessings and bring the high levels of accidents and deaths to zero. We hope this prayer will also serve as a unifying prayer for this society,” said Langat, who has shown interest in contesting for Bureti Parliamentary seat.
He also warned drivers not to be so focused on making money that they endanger their passengers.
“Some do not care that they are ferrying passengers and rush to make that extra coin at the expense of passengers,” he said.
At the end of the session, the church leaders performed formed a prayer chain and also took the chance to preach the word of God.

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