Sunday 20 November 2016


Chaglano  attended a  fundraiser for PEFA church Kelelwa Kisiara ward, Bureti Sub-county . Speaking during the event Chaglano urged local residents to team up and work to better their future.'For many years people have struggle to find a new way of life because of leaders who have rather chose division instead of  embracing unity despite the scope of political stance.' Chaglano laid clear that, unless people and leaders come together if they want realization of development agenda especially in Bureti, the area which seems to be left miles behind in matters of development. He urged all leaders to unite and press harder in making sure they fulfill the promises which send them into power. Chaglano was addressing the congregation while contacting a fundraiser to support various projects in the church. Recently he has been in the frontline addressing issues which affect common Mwananchi in various sectors like health, education among others. He is been involved in many projects which aim to improve the living standards of people in Bureti Constituency. Youths have benefitted from many tournaments he has organised in the area while the old have been walking away with smile on their faces, after being pledged with basic needs by the same man.

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